Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Astro Bursa Malysia High Dividend

Astro Bursa Malysia High Dividend: Many of my friends suffered losses in Astro. Some said Astro target price is high and want to keep to collect dividend and waiting for Astro to reach its fair value. Other high dividend stock in Bursa Malsysia stock market, such as Hua Yang and Pentech.

I hope they are making good profit in stock market so that they will not really feel the losses. For me, I'm using PEGGY Method and Dollar Cost Average.

My Fund Performance
2010 35.9%
2011 27.3%
2012 until to Sep 14.2%

2010 19.3%
2011 0.75%
2012 uuntil Sep 6.9%

If you are curious on what stock I buy, please click LIKE in my Facebook.

More information on my Fund Performance, here.

More information on PEGGY Method, here.

More information on Dollar Cost Averaging, here.

Please support by clicking LIKE in my Facebook.


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Altera and More Big Movers in Technology on October 24, 2012

Altera and More Big Movers in Technology on October 24, 2012: The Nasdaq has remained steady, the S&P 500 is up 0.1% and the Dow has risen 0.3% so far today. The technology sector is a category of stocks relating to the research, development and/or distribution ...
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iCap Investment Portfolio (12.9.2012) and its distribution of Shareholders

iCap Investment Portfolio (12.9.2012) and its distribution of Shareholders:
iCap Investment Portfolio as at 12-9-2012

There are 11 stocks in this concentrated portfolio as at 12-9-2012.

The top 5 stocks in the portfolio constitute 80.7% of the portfolio value and they are (in order of their value ranking):

  1. Petdag,
  2. Padini, 
  3. Parkson, 
  4. F&N and 
  5. Boustead.

Health is Wealth Bullbear Stock Investing Notes
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Strong buying interest in key heavyweights pushes FBM KLCI to day’s high

Strong buying interest in key heavyweights pushes FBM KLCI to day’s high: KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 17 – Strong buying interest in Maybank, CIMB and Petronas Chemicals in the last ten minutes of trading, pushed the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) to close at the day’s highest level of 1,660.67, dealers said. As at 5pm, the FBM KLCI gained 7.15 points from yesterday’s close of 1,653.52. The benchmark index which had opened ...

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I put up this write was to refer to dknycom 'speculate' both this stock are recommended buy. :-) Hahahaha...Well, technically PERISAI and BENALEC still have potential upside. I have included the chart for your reference. If you look at both, I highlighted the red circle in PERISAI and BENALEC. It looks similiar, right? What I would take a quess is that BENALEC will follow the pattern of PERISAI which is profit taking. Will this happen? Let us see in next few days.

If it happen that BENALEC was going to take a price adjustment, I would recommend that to watch for 1.31 (main supporting trend line), 1.27 and 1.20 support area. Not to worry, all this 3 area will not cripple its upside momentum. We are looking for best LOWER price to enter for a target price of 1.50.

As for PERISAI, I was not comfortable at today close. It might go down to 0.98~1.01 if it does not hang up correctly at or above 1.05 (main supporting trend line), just need to watch carefully. Again, we are looking at the best LOWER buy price. Overall trend still have upside towards 1.38.

[Update 7:20am 16/Oct]
Personally I would prefer PERISAI as there is more upside gain (double of BENALEC) base on the current price. If would like to compare base on the company fundamental, I am not good at FA to comment here, hope there is good FA guys would be able to share some info. :-)

[Update 5:30pm 16/Oct]

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rich Dad Poor Dad Now A Bankrupt Dad| Robert Kiyosaki Files for a Corporate Bankruptcy

Rich Dad Poor Dad Now A Bankrupt Dad| Robert Kiyosaki Files for a Corporate Bankruptcy: Are you a great fan of Robert Kiyosaki? If yes, you must have read the book called “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. This book is about how Robert Kiyosaki, Best-selling author, financial guru and lecturer, gain his financial education since he was young. He claimed to have two ‘dads’ – one his real dad, who was [...] Related posts:
  1. Robert Kiyosaki Is A Scammer? | Rich Dad Poor Dad
  2. Reader’s Digest files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection
  3. All You Need To Know About Bankruptcy| Bankruptcy Act 1967
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Infosys Ltd and Other Nasdaq Stocks Making Big Moves on October 12, 2012

Infosys Ltd and Other Nasdaq Stocks Making Big Moves on October 12, 2012: The market has been slipping so far today: the Nasdaq is down 0.2%; the S&P 500 has decreased 0.4%; and the Dow is trading down 0.2%. The Nasdaq Composite Index represents all the stocks that trade on ...
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Consumer/Non-Cyclical Stocks, Including Ecolab, Making Big Moves on October 12, 2012

Consumer/Non-Cyclical Stocks, Including Ecolab, Making Big Moves on October 12, 2012: The market is currently down, with the Nasdaq slipping 0.2%, the S&P 500 down 0.4% and the Dow decreasing 0.2%. The Consumer/Non-Cyclical sector (XLP) is relatively unchanged on a bad day for the mark ...
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wall Street drops as investors wary of weak earnings

Wall Street drops as investors wary of weak earnings: NEW YORK: U.S. stocks slipped in light trading on Monday, pulling back from recent five-year highs ahead of an earnings season expected to be weak.

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Astro IPO Blue Form undersubscribed

Astro IPO Blue Form undersubscribed:
For the Astro Blue form IPO, it is undersubsribed,meaning those who apply will get the shares, provided there is no error in the filling up the form etc.
Astro subscribers can apply 3000 shares via the blue form.
The final retail price and final institutional price have been fixed at rm3.00.
For some unsuccesful applicants applying white form online, already know the result via funds being returned back into bank account.
Did u strike? Blue or white form or ATM or online?
More on Astro IPO
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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Axiata, CIMB, Public Bank lead KLCI higher

Axiata, CIMB, Public Bank lead KLCI higher: Shares of Axiata, CIMB and Public Bank led the FBM KLCI higher at midday, though the 30-stock index was off its morning high of 1,668, as some investors took profit ahead of the weekend.
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U.S. House Intelligence panel head blackballs China's Huawei

U.S. House Intelligence panel head blackballs China's Huawei: WASHINGTON: U.S. companies should avoid doing business with China's Huawei, the world's No. 2 maker of telecommunications gear, for fear its equipment could open doors for spying, the head of the U.S. House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee said.

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China expected to cut fuel prices this month

China expected to cut fuel prices this month: BEIJING, Oct 6 – China is expected to reduce its petrol and diesel prices this month due to an anticipated drop in the price of international crude oil price. According to data showed by China’s major oil industry service provider,, prices of a basket of crude oil prices, namely Brent, Dubai and Cinta had on an average dropped 1.86 per ...

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31% of Americans without health insurance live in households making $50k or more, and 38% are between 18-34 years old

31% of Americans without health insurance live in households making $50k or more, and 38% are between 18-34 years old:
The Census Bureau recently released its annual study on “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2011,” and reported that in 2011 there were 48.6 million Americans living in 20.5 million U.S. households without health insurance, which was a slight decrease from the 49.9 million uninsured Americans in 2010.
The chart above shows the distribution of those 20.5 million uninsured households by household income level in 2011.  There were 3.1 million U.S. households making $75,000 per year or more who were not covered by health insurance in 2011, and this group represented 15% of the total number of uninsured households last year.  There were 3.3 million American households without health insurance with household income between $50,000 and $75,000 in 2011, representing 16% of the uninsured.  For those two groups combined, 31% of Americans without health insurance last year were living in the 6.4 million uninsured U.S. households with annual income of $50,000 or more.
Q: With $50,000 or more in household income, wouldn’t many or most of those 6.4 million American households be without health insurance voluntarily?  That is, couldn’t many of those households afford some type of low-cost basic health insurance?  As one example, you can purchase high-deductible basic health insurance coverage through BlueCross BlueShield of Texas for as low as$80 per month for a 30-year old male and for $102 per month for a 30-year old female, which is about the same as the monthly cost of a cell phone or cable TV plan.
Alternatively, with those income levels (especially the 3.1 million households with income above $75,000), couldn’t many of those households choose to forgo health insurance in favor of being “self-insured,” at least for routine health procedures? Given the widespread availability of more than 1,300 convenient and affordable retail health clinics around the country at Wal-Marts, Targets, Meijers, CVSs and Walgreens, these households could easily operate on the “pay-as-you-go” model of self-insurance for health care, at least for routine medical services.  And even for more expensive medical procedures, there are market-based medical providers like MediBid and the Surgery Center of Oklahoma that provide low-cost, cash-only medical services like surgery and MRIs at huge savings for self-pay patients.
It’s also the case that about 4 out of 10 uninsured Americans (38.1%) in 2011 were between the ages of 19 and 34 years, and more than half of the uninsured were between ages 19 and 44.  It’s possible that many of the younger people in those age groups are voluntarily uninsured and instead decide to be “self-insured” because they are young and healthy and elect not to purchase health insurance.
As Thomas Sowell wrote three years ago when Obamacare was being rushed through Congress before the August recess:
As for those uninsured Americans who are supposedly the reason for all this sound and fury [Obamacare], there is remarkably little interest in why they are uninsured, despite the incessant repetition of the fact that they are.  The endless repetition serves a political purpose but digging into the underlying facts might undermine that purpose. Many find it sufficient to say that the uninsured cannot “afford” medical insurance. But what you can afford depends not only on how much money you have but also on what your priorities are.
Many people who are uninsured have incomes from which medical insurance premiums could readily be paid without any undue strain (see chart above). Many young people, especially, don’t buy medical insurance and elderly people already have Medicare.  The poor have Medicaid available, even though many do not bother to sign up for it, until they are already in the hospital– which they can do then.
Throwing numbers around about how many people are uninsured may create the impression that the uninsured cannot get medical treatment, when it fact they can get medical treatment at any hospital emergency room.
MP: We’ve now got Obamacare coming soon, and everybody will be forced to buy a federally approved insurance policy whether they want one or not, even those who can currently afford insurance but choose not to, and the young 18-34 year-olds who also currently elect not to buy insurance.  We might have another very expensive government solution to what might have been very much of a non-problem.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

America’s booming energy industry has emerged as the no. 1 job-creating sector of the U.S. economy

America’s booming energy industry has emerged as the no. 1 job-creating sector of the U.S. economy:

Overall job growth in the U.S. has been stubbornly sluggish over the last few years, and total payroll employment in August of this year was still almost five million jobs, and 3.4%, below the peak level of payroll jobs at the beginning of 2008 (see chart above).  Meanwhile, there’s one sector of the economy that is booming like never before, and creating jobs at a record pace – America’s thriving energy industry, especially the recently emerging shale oil and gas business.  Just the direct jobs for oil and gas drilling activities have increased by more than 27% since early 2008 to a level in August of this year that was the highest monthly total since late 1987, almost 25 years ago (see chart above).
Over the last year, America’s oil and gas companies have been hiring an average of almost 100 new workers each business day for activities directly related to oil and gas drilling, and then there are the thousands of additional indirect jobs that are being created each month throughout the long supply chain that supports shale energy in industries like railroads, trucking, fracking sand mining and processing, housing, construction, steel tubing, and heavy drilling equipment, and even banking, legal and financial services.
A USA Today article “Want a job? Look to the energy field” profiles the shale-driven jobs bonanza that is booming thanks to the unconventional oil and gas revolution in America.  Here’s an excerpt:
Of all the places that America’s new jobs are, the emerging energy business, directly or indirectly, might be responsible for more of them than almost anything else.
Since 2002, the exploration of natural gas deposits embedded in shale, followed by oil drilling that began in earnest late in the decade, has created more than 1 million jobs, says Moody’s Analytics economist Chris Lafakis. That’s out of 2.7 million the whole country created.
Just counting positions directly in the energy industry, the shale boom has accounted for as many as 33,000 new U.S. jobs this year, according to Bright Labs, a San Francisco start-up whose website provides job-hunt data and tips.
More than 3,500 are in metropolitan Houston, Bright says. But the job expansion stretches through cities of all sizes. Oklahoma City’s 400 jobs are near the top of the list, Bright says. Denver, Pittsburgh, and Williston, N.D. — all near newly exploitable oil and gas deposits — are also seeing big changes from shale for shale-related jobs.
The most plentiful jobs — at least, of those that end up being advertised online — seem to be in engineering. Six of the top eight most-filled new jobs in the industry are for some kind of engineer, says Bright senior data scientist Jacob Bollinger.
But the shale job surge is more broadbased than those numbers alone would suggest, thanks to the energy industry’s complicated infrastructure and supply chain, researchers say. While oil and gas deposits are concentrated in a handful of places, more than 30 states saw oil and gas support employment, including suppliers and service companies that work with energy companies, rise at least 50% in the past decade, Moody’s says.
Because new rigs have to be built, and oil and gas have to be moved to market either via newly built pipelines or by truck and rail, new jobs abound at both drilling companies and their suppliers, says Tom Tunstall, research director for the Institute for Economic Development at the University of Texas San Antonio. It has closely studied the development of the Eagle Ford shale field that spans more than a dozen counties in South Texas.
In Pennsylvania, where officials say shale added 18,000 new energy industry jobs between 2008 and last year, another 5,000 jobs were added for freight trucking, and 500 more were created to build roads, according to a state-sponsored study this summer.
One company that’s gotten a big boost is the Union Pacific railroad, which now gets about 2% of its business from shale-based companies, hauling everything from tank cars of oil to sand used in the process of extracting gas and oil from deep underground, CEO John Koraleski says.
Rising U.S. energy production also is creating manufacturing jobs for everything from steel for piping to rail cars. Among the biggest: a $650 million, 350-job plant by French tubing manufacturer Vallourec to make products for shale drilling in Youngstown, Ohio, and a planned natural gas cracking plant outside Pittsburgh that could add 10,000 construction jobs and hundreds of permanent positions at Shell, if it goes forward.
“Every week, I see a billion-dollar investment,” Navigant Consulting energy economist Julie Carey says.
MP: America’s booming energy industry is attracting billions of dollars of new investment and has emerged in recent years as the economy’s single largest job creating sector, with shale-based energy alone being responsible for more than a million new jobs over the last decade, according to the Moody’s report referenced above.  Without the powerful economic stimulus from the emerging shale revolution over the last few years, the weak economic growth and sluggish pace of job creation in the U.S. during the sub-par recovery would likely be much, much worse.  It’s perhaps ironic that despite what some have called President Obama’s ongoing “war against fossil fuels,” it might actually be the fossil-fuel based stimulus to the economy that is now helping Obama politically by keeping the economy out of another recession.
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Don't Trade. Invest for Long Term

Don't Trade. Invest for Long Term:

How to invest in Stocks

Investing Rules – How to Invest in Stocks

by DEEKSHA on AUGUST 11, 2012
Investment is defined as putting aside certain sum of money with the expectation of gain in future. We invest our money in various financial products like gold, real estate, bonds, stocks with the aim of getting better returns over this money instead of keeping it idle in savings account.

Before Investing we should Ideally

  • Assess income and expenditure
Before investing we all should be aware of the total monthly income and total expenditure so that an estimated amount can be calculated. This amount can give an idea about the excess amount or the amount which can be saved.
  •  Make Financial goals
It is advisable to jot down the financial goals on a piece of paper so that money can be invested accordingly basis the time horizon.
  •  Know Oneself
It is essential to analyze one`s own risk taking capability and financial personality basis which amount can be invested in high risk or a low risk instrument

In this article we shall discuss regarding rules of investing  and stock market basics some of which may be specific to stock market trading whereas other may apply to all investment products.
1. Diversify
There is a common Saying:- “ don’t put all eggs in one nest.”
This rule works with all investment products. Nobody can predict the future as there could be a sudden economic, political or any other change which may lead to huge losses if investment is done in similar products. Thus investing only in equities or investing solely in debt is not advisable.  In case of a mixed portfolio the impact of loss would not be enormous.
Example:-Mr. Ahuja had purchased shares of Satyam Computer services for a total value of Rs.50000 in November 2007 as he received a bonus from his company. He had invested the entire amount in 1 particular company. Everything was working fine in Mr. Ahuja`s portfolio till 2009 but suddenly things began to change as the scam came in place. After the scam, entire portfolio was in red due to excessive purchase of one particular stock.
CBI has confirmed that total loss to investors due to this scam is Rs.14, 162 Crore.
2. Make a Thorough Research
This rule also applies to all investment categories. Before investing one should make a detailed research about the quality of the companies selected. Quality signifies strong management team and a proven track record.
 3. Not To Panic
It applies particularly to stock market investing. It usually happens that in case of crash of a stock market, people get panic and they sell off their holdings the very next day. But instead of selling at the first stage itself one should review his portfolio and then decide if the stock has lost its attractiveness and if more attractive stocks are available in market.
4. Expect Corrections to Happen
It`s been observed that many investors believe in only one sided direction of markets like in case of downturn people loose faith in equity products and stop investing in these products. But in reality markets tend to return to the mean over time which means market extremes never lasts forever be it optimism or pessimism.
Also when there are no more buyers, the market turns lower and vice versa.
5. Know Your Risk Tolerance
As highlighted previously also it is very essential that the investors analyze their risk tolerance level and accordingly select the investment products as some of the products/ stocks are more risky than others. One should figure how much downside one can tolerate without selling
6. Portfolio Monitoring
It becomes very essential to keep a track on the portfolio regularly as nothing is permanent. High return generating products may lead to huge losses for the investors after some years if the company is going through a bad time.
Example:-the shares of Kingfisher Airlines which were attractive once upon a time no longer attract the investors due to crisis within the company.
7. Don’t Follow Others Blindly
When the prices are high a lot of people are actively buying the stocks. When price is low demand is also low as the people are pessimistic and also discouraged. Thus the entire market collapses. We should adopt an independent thinking instead of blindly following what other are following.
Benjamin Graham says” Buy when people are pessimistic and sell when they are optimistic.”
8. Avoid Fear and Greed
Greed and fear are human emotions which create obstacles in the path of successful investing. One should follow a disciplined approach to trading and should be able to figure out time to exit. There will be corrections as stocks go up and down.
9. Remain Flexible and Open Minded
There is no particular investment which remains best throughout. Depending on the situation one needs to switch to different investment avenues. If a planner suggests to shift the amount to bonds or other debt products looking at the volatility one should be flexible enough to support the advisor
10. Invest For Max Real Return
One should take into account the real return after taking into consideration the impact of taxes and inflation.
Real Rate of Return= {(1+ rate of interest)/(1+inflation rate)-1} *100
Example:-if inflation is 6% and rate of return is 10%, the real rate of return equals:-
11. Learn From Your Mistakes
We should not be discouraged from the losses rather earlier mistakes should be taken as a learning experience. We should analyze and check what went wrong previously so that same mistake can be rectified in future.
12. Don’t Buy Market Trends
We should not base our decision on what`s happening now.  The individual stocks can rise in a bear market and fall in bull market. Thus we should study all the factors before taking any decision.


Investors should carefully read all offer documents and do a detailed study about the various products available in the market and should know stock market basics before investing. These rules would also be helpful in making a right investment choice.

Health is Wealth Bullbear Stock Investing Notes
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CPO prices rebound as selling seen as overdone

CPO prices rebound as selling seen as overdone: Crude palm oil (CPO) prices recovered at midday on Wednesday after the recent selldown which saw the CPO futures for third-month delivery falling to the lowest in July 2010 on Tuesday.

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